
Weather Forecast and average climate data

for the region of Kef in Tunisia

Weather Forecast for the region of Kef in Tunisia

Le Kef - El Kef - Tajerouine - Oglet Charen - Nebeur - Dahmani - Sakiet Sidi Youssef - Sicca Veneria

Weather Forecast for the region of Kef in Tunisia
- delivered by the Norwegian Meteorological Institute and the NRK -

Average monthly weather data for the region of Kef in Tunisia

Minimum Temperature Maximum Temperature Water Temperature Sunshine Hours Probability of Rain Humidity
January 3°C    37°F 13°C    55°F - 5 36% -
February 4°C    39°F 15°C    59°F - 6 34% -
March 5°C    41°F 18°C    64°F - 7 31% -
April 8°C    46°F 21°C    70°F - 8 34% -
May 12°C    54°F 27°C    81°F - 9 24% -
June 16°C    61°F 33°C    91°F - 11 13% -
July 19°C    66°F 36°C    97°F - 12 8% -
August 18°C    64°F 33°C    91°F - 10 16% -
September 16°C    61°F 30°C    86°F - 9 30% -
October 13°C    55°F 26°C    79°F - 7 23% -
November 8°C    46°F 19°C    66°F - 6 31% -
December 5°C    41°F 13°C    55°F - 5 38% -

Minimum Temperature = Average minimum temperature of the recent years. The temperature may sometimes be higher or lower.
Maximum Temperature = Average maximum temperature of the recent years. The temperature may sometimes be higher or lower.
Water Temperature = Average water temperature of the last years. The temperature may be sometimes below or above this value. On shallow beaches, the temperature will be higher in summer.
Sunshine Hours = Average number of sunshine hours per day.
Probability of Rain = The average daily probability of rain. In summer, rain falls usually in short and forceful showers, while in winter, it will usually be a light, constant rain.
Humidity = The average humidity. Depending on the actual wind and the sunshine amount, the value may be higher or lower.

Please see also: Temperature and Weather worldwide

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